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Health Information & Saftey Alerts
Many (Black Infant Health) BIH clients have entered the program with an EDC (Expected date of confinement) date and induction date (SFBIH Staff, 2021). Labor induction is using medications or other methods to bring on (induce) labor. BIH advises clients to advocate for themselves by asking as many questions about their health as possible to feel confident in making informed health decisions (ACOG, 2023). BIH also suggests that clients inquire with their providers if they are offered an induction while in BIH, “Is it medically necessary?” Studies have shown that high levels of stress that continue for a long time, such as chronic stress caused by living in a racist culture, is a factor in many health conditions plaguing the Black community. During pregnancy, stress may be a factor for a Black mom to have a preterm baby (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) or a low-birthweight baby (weighing less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces) (March of Dimes, 2019). Social determinants of health are the conditions people live, work, and play under. Social determinants have consequential and varying effects on health outcomes across races and ethnicities. For Black women affected by structural inequality and discrimination, the chronic stress of poverty and racism has been shown to have a harmful effect on health outcomes. It is linked to their persistent maternal health disparities (, 2023). The San Francisco fiscal induction rates for Black women have risen from 24.6% to 33.1% over the last five years, and the national induction rate for Black women is 44.6% (Singh et al., 2018).